Just some funny gif I want to share with you guys. I just had explained to roshelle how you can take continous pictures, and while she tries it, I was doing a funny thing. this is the result:
Yesterday I already told you, I had a meeting with some bloggers. It was so much fun! I had to travel more than 4 hours by train, but it was worth it! We eat, shopped and had a lot of fun. Picturetime!
Hey guys! I'm still alive... haha I have been so busy these days, and today I had a meeting with some lovely bloggers! This week I hope to show you great outfits, and a lot of fun picture's of the meeting. love, denise.
Rembemer the brooch I wore yesterday? As promised, here is the tutorial for my brooch! I started of with this: Curious how I made the very easy transformation?
Here it is.... My give-away sponsered by Aimée from musthavefashion It's for dutchies/belgjes only, so I continue in dutch.
Gisteren zagen jullie die mooie ring die ik heb gekregen van Aimée, ook kreeg ik 2 leuke sieraadjes om te verloten onder jullie, mijn lezers! Wat kun je winnen....
Benieuwd naar detailfoto's en wat je moet doen om te winnen...?
Check out what I got! I recieved this beautiful ring from Aimée, she owns this cute webshop! In her shop you can find beautiful jewellery, trendy clothes and even more! Definatly take a look at her shop: www.musthavefashion.nl
psssssst; Check out my blog tommorrow for a give-away!
The weather is great today. I love to wear pastels and soft colours again! Normally I don't like "things" on the background of my pictures, but my room matches perfectly with my oufit today! I like the pictures this way! Want to see more pictures?